Extra Credit Opportunities

Below you will find the materials necessary to complete the available Extra Credit Opportunities, if you choose. These assignments should be completed outside of school, but you may also be given time to work on them during the W.I.N. Block.


Each week a new Problem of the Week will be posted. Use the "Solving the Problem" steps to complete the problem. You will also find the "Math Rubric" that will be used to score your extra credit work. Valid attempts at extra credit will be added to your grades for the trimester and you will also earn Lantz's Liquidation $ for your hard work.

Problem of the Week #1 - September

Problem of the Week #2 - September

In addition for math each week, a new Choose & Do Grid will be posted. Valid attempts at completing the required number of activities will be added to your grades for the trimester and you will also earn Lantz's Liquidation $ for your hard work.

Choose & Do Grid #1

Choose & Do Grid #2

Choose & Do Grid #3